What is the start of the leather making process?


The process of making leather is long and technical. It requires precision and care to ensure that the leather produced each time is high quality and has the same finish. The journey begins with an animal skin and ends with a leather piece that can be turned into a bag or clothing.

The hides of many animals, including pigs as well as sheep, goats, and crocodiles, can be used to make leather. The most common hide, though, is from cows.

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The skin of the animal is removed followed by the flesh. This can be done either by hand or with a fleshing device. A hide should now be salted, or placed in salt brine. It is important to use a generous amount of salt, as it’s the salt that prevents it from decomposing.

A chemical solution containing calcium oxide is used to remove hair from a hide. The soaking process can last from one to two weeks. The hide will be softened by this process. When you want Mens Black Leather Belts, consider www.hipandwaisted.com/handmade/mens-leather-belts/mens-black-leather-belts/

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The hide will swell up to around 4 mm in thickness after all the bathing and soaking. It can then be cut into two layers. The hide is split into two layers so that different parts can be used to make leather products.

The top part of the split leather is reserved for leather products with the highest quality, such as full-grain leather. The upper layer is more durable because it has a tighter fibre structure. This layer, when treated properly, produces a beautiful and supple leather.