Three Questions to Ask yourself Before you Decide to Work from Home Full Time


If you are going to be working from home full time, in order to make the situation work for both you and your employer, there are a number of things that you need to consider…

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Where will you Work? You will need to ensure that you have a place where you can work uninterrupted. For some people, this is a home office but if you do not have the room for this, why not look into building a garden office, where you can have that separation between work and home? You could also look at ways of separating an area in a room that is your designated work space throughout the working day. The key is to ensure that it is practical, comfortable and that you are able to do your job properly.

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How will you Keep your Confidential Documents Safe? You will have access from home to confidential information that you will need to keep safe. This could be business documents, or personal information regarding customers for example. Make sure that your work devices are protected with passwords to prevent someone being able to access them and keep paperwork in a locked storage area. You should also make sure that this information is correctly destroyed when no longer needed by someone like this confidential shredding Birmingham based company

How will you Manage your Day? You also need to be able to self-motivate and manage your own day a lot of the time when you are working from home. Think about what your day will look like and make sure that you can do the job and not let home life interfere.