Choosing the right fireplace


Nothing beats the warmth and atmosphere of a cosy fireplace, particularly in the bleak mid-winter. It’s no straightforward task, however, to choose the perfect fireplace, and it’s an important decision as it will likely become the focal point of your whole room. Decide on a budget and then explore the following options:

Choosing a surrounding

Marble: What was once the preserve of the wealthy and elite can now be enjoyed by everyone. Marble retains its luxurious feel even though it is much more affordable nowadays. Marble is easy to look after, highly durable, and looks fantastic with almost any décor. Remember that it must be sealed to protect it against moisture. Marble remains elegant and classy, dramatically transforming a traditional or contemporary room. Pair it with a surround of Marble Tiles. You can find a range of Marble Tiles from Irwin Tiles

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Steel: While not as warm and cosy as many alternative options, steel is the perfect accompaniment for a contemporary setting. It looks stylish when teamed up with a minimalist or industrial style décor.

Brick: Bricks also work well with wood in a traditional or modern setting. Brick also offers an interesting contrast in texture and a timeless appeal. Why not consider vintage bricks that you can pick up from a reclamation yard, for example.

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Slabs: Another contemporary choice, a single stone with a cut-out hole for the fire, is an on-trend and highly desirable look. Clean lines, smooth surfaces, and casual crafting make this an ideal choice for simple elegance.