Tips to protect your home from crime


Seeing crime reports in the news can make you feel nervous about the safety of your own home. No matter how unlikely it is that someone will break into your house to damage or steal things, it never hurts to be too careful. There are a range of steps you can take to reduce the risk even further and ensure you feel safe and secure.

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Doors and windows

As the main points of entry into your home, doors and windows are always a security focus. Solid materials and double or triple glazing, such as used in bifold doors Worcester, can improve security, as can having multiple forms of lock. Many prospective thieves will be deterred at the sight of visible security measures.

Spy Holes and chains ensure you know who is outside without opening the door, as can CCTV. Just be aware of privacy laws when using cameras.


You should record or register your valuables where possible or use a marking solution to inscribe part of your address. This will only be visible under ultraviolet light and can make items easier for police to recognise and recover, whilst making selling them more difficult. A home safe, bolted to the wall or floor, offers secure storage.

Gardens, garages and sheds

Cut back shrubs and hedges so potential burglars have nowhere to hide. Visible lighting and CCTV cameras can act as deterrents. Ensure all garages, sheds and other enclosed storage areas are lockable. Do not leave your bike on display.

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Get into the habit of running through a security checklist when going out. Place valuables out of direct view, make sure no keys are within reach of the letterbox or cat flap, shut curtains and switch on lights in the evening, and set your burglar alarm. Then close and lock or double lock every door and window, including gates and outbuildings.

Just placing a few visible deterrents around your home, and ensuring you use high-quality locks and bifold doors in Worcester, can discourage potential intruders. Remember to check your security measures thoroughly every time you leave home.