Starting River Fishing -What you Need to Know


Fishing is an activity which is peaceful and mindful, and once you get hooked on fishing (pardon the pun) you will want to do it more and more! Rivers are a favourite place for those anglers who like spending time in picturesque locations, however, before you head off to your nearest river, there are a few things that you should know.

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Firstly, there are usually certain seasons when angling is permitted. June to March is the usual but you should always check and get a licence to fish there if required. This gives fish a break during their spawning season.

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There are lots of rivers that we are fortunate to have around us in the UK, but speaking with other anglers and doing some online research can help you to find a river that would suit you. You should also always check the water levels as if they go below a certain amount it can stress fish and if above it can be dangerous to fish.

In the cooler months of the year in particular you need to make sure that you are warm enough as spending a lot of time in the cold can make you poorly. Clothing like this irish sweater for men is perfect for fishing, and you can also buy footwear and waterproof bottoms that you can use for keeping dry when out on the river, so make sure you have all the appropriate kit and clothing beforehand.