Why People Exhibit Challenging Behaviours and Caring for Them Correctly


Working in a care environment is rewarding, but you will also undoubtedly find it challenging at times. Challenging behaviour is something that all care staff need to deal with from time to time, and there are a number of reasons that it can occur.

Because people who need to be cared for are vulnerable, they often have trouble with communicating. For example, an elderly person who has dementia may have trouble getting words out so they may try to communicate in another way. There are also many mental illnesses and learning disabilities that can cause people to exhibit types of challenging behaviour.

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Behaviours such as physical violence, verbal abuse and lack of cooperation with carers are all types of challenging behaviour. These behaviours are caused when someone is struggling to express a feeling – it might be that they are fearful, frustrated or in pain for example.

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Often you might not know exactly what it is that is causing the behaviour to manifest, and it could be a number of reasons. Some people have issues that affect their senses for example, so although a fire engine going past might not be something that you worry about, it could cause upset to someone with a sensory issue.

Having the correct training like these challenging behaviour training courses www.tidaltraining.co.uk/learning-disability-training/challenging-behaviour-training-breakaway-techniques are essential for people who are working in a role that involves caring for vulnerable people. This enables you to not only ensure that the people in your care are safe, but also that you and other staff members are safe too.