Getting more conversions on your website


After you have enlisted the services of your chosen Yorkshire Web Design company to create your business website they will contact you to discuss your overall design ideas as well as ways in which you can maximise your efforts in getting more conversions on your pages. Here are some of the areas that they may discuss with you. 

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Finding the right people

While you might think any traffic is worth the effort, what you actually want is relevant visitors to your site, who are more likely to take the actions you want. Investing time in writing blogs about concept cars may be interesting and may increase your ranking on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), but it isn’t necessarily going to get you more people who are interested in buying your products or services.
Focus instead on creating content which includes keywords that are likely to be in the searches your potential customers are making

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Get leads on every page

Make it easy for potential customers to contact you by putting a form on every page of your website. Keep it simple and short so it doesn’t become off-putting, but position it in easy sight. Make your calls to action clear and try different colours, font sizes and placement of buttons to boost conversion rate. Forbes says that using buttons instead of text links can boost clicks by up to 45%. If you want people to call you instead of filling in a form, display contact information and make it easy for people to click to call you if they are browsing on the mobile device.