Key things to know about registering a domain name


Choosing a domain name for your business requires careful thought; for example, it needs to be optimised for search engines to be able to rank your page highly. You also need to consider how your target audience will search for you and what distinguishes you from your competitors.

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Keep it simple

When you want to buy domain names for your business, try to keep it short, punchy and memorable. Don’t be tempted to put in unusual spellings, and remember that your target users will need to type this in every time they want to look at your business. Make it easy for people to remember and spell and make it clear what your business offers.

Your favourite name is taken

With so many domain names already registered (Authority URL: Internet Grows to 370.7 Million Domain Name Registrations at the End of the Third Quarter of 2020 (, you may need to choose whether to be more experimental in the name you choose or whether you prefer to stick to the name you want and see if it is available to buy. If the dot com variant of your domain is taken, consider whether it is worth looking at the available variations.

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To help you decide

When you are looking for a domain name, providers such as often have a search facility on their website so that you can try different domain names to see whether they are available. You will usually find that suggestions are made if the exact name you want is not available.

You need to work out how well suggested names will work for your business or whether you want to invest in buying the perfect name. A domain name might seem like an expensive investment but you should consider how much business you may lose out on if the domain doesn’t work well for people searching for your business.

You also need to work out how long you want to keep the domain name for, as it could be a costly mistake if your business thrives and you forget to renew your domain. Consider the viability of discounts on buying domain names, as they are often only valid for one year and then the real cost sets in.

Don’t rush into buying a domain name, as getting it right is a huge responsibility that needs careful consideration.