Three Great Ways to Save Money as a Business


The last year and a half have been particularly tough on businesses, and many have gone under due to the financial pressures caused by the pandemic. This is a time to look at ways that you can save the business money, that will be beneficial now and in the long term as well. Here are some ideas to get you started…

Look for Deals – Although you may have a certain supplier, it doesn’t hurt to shop around every now and then. Whether it is paper and stationary equipment that you are looking for, or specialist equipment, looking for offers and cheaper prices can really save you a lot of money, especially on things that you order a lot of.

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Cut Costs – Think about what your largest outgoings are as a business and consider how you can reduce them – for example, if you have a lot of company vehicles, it is likely that fuel is one of the biggest expenses for you. In this case, look into fuel cards like these BP fuel cards or route planning software to help you to use less fuel.

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Reduce Travel – If the lockdown taught us anything it was that there are more efficient ways of doing things with the use of technology. Why travel all over the country to have meetings, when software like Skype and Zoom can allow you to have a video call? Not only does this save you money but it also saves you time.