What Causes Ear Infections in Children?


Viruses and bacteria are the causes of most ear infections. Infections are more common in children than in adults because their immune systems aren’t as good at fighting off germs. Children also have smaller, narrower ears that are more likely to trap fluid. They also have a tube that runs from the middle of the ear to the back of the throat (the eustachian tube) that doesn’t drain as easily. Some children have a condition called herpes zoster of the ear, which is an infection of this tube that sends sound to the brain.

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The main symptom of an ear infection is pain in the ear. Younger children may cry or be unable to sleep because of the pain. Many children have a fever, too.

Viral ear infections usually go away on their own, but bacterial ear infections need antibiotics. Your doctor will ask you how long the ear infection has been around, and then check your child’s ear with an instrument called an otoscope. The doctor will look for a reddened and swollen eardrum, which is an early sign of an ear infection. If pain is caused by earwax impaction, consider Ear wax removal Glastonbury and visit https://www.earwax.co.uk/ear-wax-removal-near-me/glastonbury/

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In some cases, the eardrum ruptures because of pressure from the build-up of fluid. This is called perforation otitis media, and it’s usually followed by constant discharge from the ear. In a few cases, an ear infection spreads to the bone behind the ear (the mastoid bone). This is called mastoiditis. It’s treated with injections of antibiotics and, in severe cases, surgery.