How is a drain relined?


Maintaining the functionality of drains is crucial to prevent costly and inconvenient plumbing issues. One innovative solution that has gained popularity is drain relining. This process offers a cost-effective and less invasive alternative to traditional methods like excavation. Let’s explore how a drain is relined and why it’s becoming a preferred choice for many.

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Inspection and Cleaning

The first step in drain relining involves a thorough inspection of the drain using advanced camera technology. This allows plumbers to identify the exact location and extent of the damage. Accurate assessment is essential to determine if drain relining is the appropriate solution. Before the relining process begins, the drain must be thoroughly cleaned to ensure proper adhesion of the lining material. High-pressure water jets or mechanical cleaners are commonly used to remove any debris. You can find out more about drain relining here..

Liner Insertion

Once the drain is clean and dry, a flexible liner saturated with a resin mixture is inserted into the damaged section. The liner is positioned using the camera guidance system, ensuring precise placement. Once there, the liner is inflated to adhere to the interior of the existing pipe. The resin begins to cure, creating a strong, seamless, and durable lining within the drain.

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Final Inspection

After the resin has fully cured, another inspection is conducted to ensure the integrity of the newly lined drain. The camera is used again to verify that the lining is smooth, free of defects and capable of withstanding the demands of regular use. Find out more about drain lining Oldbury from a drain repair specialist such as

Drain relining offers a modern and efficient solution to address various drainage issues without the need for extensive excavation. This method not only saves time but also minimises disruption to property and reduces overall costs.