Making Sure that your Home is Prepared to Keep you Safe this Winter


As we head into winter, the weather is becoming colder and much wilder! Now is the time to make sure that our homes are up to the task of protecting us throughout these difficult months. Here are some of the things that you can do to help your home protect you this winter…

Check the Roof – The roof keeps us safe and dry in the winter so take some time to give it a hand. Check the insulation in the roof as this is an area where a lot of heat can be lost from the home, and with heating bills rising we can’t afford to lose it! The outside of the roof is also important to protect from the winter weather. Find local professionals like roofing companies Bristol such as this to have a look at your roof and make sure that any damage is repaired before the winter weather arrives.

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Keep it Warm – One of the things that many people are concerned about this year is making sure that they are warm enough. There are some easy and inexpensive things that you can do to make sure that your home is warm enough, from insulating the letterbox to keeping the door closed to rooms not in use so that you don’t have to use more heating than necessary. Windows are another part of the home where heat can be lost, so make sure that your windows are not losing you heat – you can seal them yourself if you don’t want to go the whole hog and replace the windows and you can also get curtains that are designed to help you keep the heat stored in the home.

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Check Drains – Drains and gutters can become blocked in the autumn with fallen leaves and because the ground became so dry over the summer months the pipes could have become damaged. Tree roots may have also made their way into drains over the summer as they will seek out moisture underground. Now is the time to clear those gutters and drains and get your drains inspected and repaired if necessary to protect you from flooding and blockages in the winter months.